Jost van Dyke 2006 - Coch in the BVI

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Jost van Dyke 2006
After our visit to Tortola in 2004, where we stayed exclusively, we decided to visit the neighbouring island of Jost van Dyke this year.
At about 8 square kilometres, Jost van Dyke is the smallest of the four main islands of the British Virgin Islands. It is said that the island was named after Joost van Dyke. However, no further information is known. In the past, sugar cane and some cotton were grown.
In the 18th century, Jost van Dyke and the British Virgin Islands (BVI), like other Caribbean islands, experienced a slow economic decline.
Today, tourism is an important source of income. Great Harbour is one of the busiest ports in the BVI. It is particularly popular with yachts.
Jost van Dyke 2006
White Bay, Jost van Dyke
Sopper's Hole, West End Tortola - British Virgin Islands Sopper's Hole, West End Tortola - British Virgin Islands Boat trip to Jost van Dyke, BVI Sopper's Hole, West End Tortola - British Virgin Islands Steele Point, West End Tortola - British Virgin Islands Smuggler's Cove, West End, Tortola, BVI Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Stress Free Drive, White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI Stress Free Drive, White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI Stress Free Drive, White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI Stress Free Drive, White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI White Bay, Jost van Dyke, BVI Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Great Harbour, Jost van Dyke - British Virgin Islands Paradise Sunshine takes us back to Tortola
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